Blog - Fresh Ideas

Are Supplements Important? 5 Points to Consider

Written by Amber Crawford | May 17, 2022 6:05:05 PM

So, you aren't too sure if the whole supplementation thing is worth looking into.


Trust me, I've been there too! With aisles and aisles of vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, phytonutrients, proteins, and so can be a little daunting to know where to begin, let alone if it's worth the money. 

Let's cut to the chase - does every person need supplements? Well, if you eat an array of colorful organic veggies at each meal, a variety of grass-fed, proteins,  you get 20+ minutes of direct sunshine daily, eat protein after each workout, are on no medications or painkillers, have no allergies or pre-existing medical conditions, and have virtually no stress...then you possibly don't need to add supplements. Unfortunately most of us can't fall into this category, so some level of vitamin/mineral supplement is recommended to bridge gap!

If you still are deciding if supplementing is right for you, take a look at these 5 points to consider.   

1. Food is simply not the same anymore. Many studies have been conducted on produce quality over the span of 30+ years with staggering results. An apple contains about 38% less nutrients today than before, and many vegetables have over 50% less zinc. Other vitamins and minerals lost over the years include potassium, iron, the B's and C vitamins. Because of industrialization and the demand on farming to feed the masses, soil is re-used to the point of mineral depletion and the land doesn't have much time to rest. Seeds are also processed to yield a quicker crop instead of a quality one. Overuse of pesticides and herbicides during produce growth also changes food composition. Animals are more often raised in meat factories instead of grazing on grass and bugs outside, so many minerals are deficient in their diet and therefore in their meat. Don't get me wrong - eating a diet full of fruits, vegetables, and quality meat is still beneficial! However, supplementation may be important to make up for missing components in our diet. 

2. Most of us don't consume a variety of foods. Because of what is seasonally available in the winter, our dedication to being busy, and the oversaturation of convenience meals, the average North American diet is plain and lacking. Most of us get 1-2 servings of fruits and vegetables per day instead of the recommended 5+ servings. Eating the rainbow is a good rule of thumb for food diversity; green, red, yellow, and purple foods all are nutritional powerhouses in their own way! Example: eating only celery and bananas each day as your "daily serving" would cause nutrient gaps including vitamins C, D, calcium, and iron. If you are a pickier eater, or find it challenging to get an array of produce where you live, you may want to consider adding supplements to your life!

3. Our toxin loads have increased. Toxins are hidden everywhere, from the pesticides in food, to pollution, to products used in your household (check out our blog on reducing home toxins!) Smaller toxins can cause acute allergic reactions in our bodies, resulting in our immune systems needing a boost to keep reactions in check. Heavy metal toxins and mold exposure can actually leach minerals from our bodies and mess up the way we digest food! Supplementing key nutrients can help bridge the gap if you are often exposed to toxins. You may also benefit from detoxification to help your system out! 

4. Medications, OTC drugs, and antibiotics can deplete our nutrient stores. It's common knowledge that antibiotics destroy healthy bugs in the digestive tract, but constant use of "daily" drugs also can deplete us of nutrients. NSAIDS (like Advil) deplete our bodies of iron, while the pill form of birth control destroys key B vitamins. Many of us rely on certain medications to function optimally, and that's ok! Do some research to determine what nutrients you may be missing out on and see what supplements are right for you. 

5. Exercise, age, and allergies can cause nutrient gaps. There are many other factors that play a role in missing out on nutrients! As we age, our gut's ability to digest and process nutrients becomes sluggish, causing us to miss out on vitamin and mineral absorption. High aerobic exercising drains us of electrolytes through sweat, while strength conditioning increases our n for protein. With the climb of food allergies in North America (Our CEO Claudine's story on food allergies last week is eye-opening!), many of us are missing out on key nutrients because of food avoidance. Depending on what life stage you are in, your activity level, stress tolerance, allergies, etc., you may want to consider supplementation to keep your body functioning optimally. 


Looking for a multivitamin? An overall approach to health, multivitamins have a little bit of everything. Check out ours here

In need of a protein boost? Whether as an after-workout supplement or just to increase protein intake, our protein powder is a great choice 

Need better sleep? Some nutrient gaps can disrupt our natural sleepy state. Our Sleep formula can help! 

Book a FREE consult with one of our nutritionists for further insight on your own supplementation needs!