Lifestyle Update - Connie St Coeur Culligan


"It has been almost 5 years since I first became acquainted with Simply For Life, and just over 2 years that I have been consistently living the Simply For Life lifestyle. Shifting your focus to making your health and overall well-being a priority is not something that you 'cheat' on. Focus is a mindset. Wanting to make a change is a mindset. Having a goal is a mindset. When you love yourself enough to want what is best for you and to move yourself toward something positive and rewarding, it is easy to stay the course. There are so many fad diets out there that have no sustainability.

Simply For Life is not a diet. It is education, awareness and empowerment. The program educates you and gives you the tools needed to be successful. You learn how to nourish your body in ways that make you feel good, both physically and mentally. Simply For Life isn't a diet, its education. It is understanding that what you put in your body is what your output will be. It is asking yourself what your self-worth is and nourishing yourself accordingly. Simply For Life is about being mindful and accepting that you are a priority. That you get to write your own story, from beginning to end, making you in charge of the direction of your journey. It is up to you to make it a good one. Appreciation of self and well-being is all that is needed to continue living with positivity and eating clean.

Next Goal... Continuity. Keep moving forward. Celebrate successes and accept slip - up's. Continue to understand that I am worth it."

- Connie St Coeur Culligan


If you want to change your lifestyle just like Connie did, sign up today to receive a free coaching session!

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