3 Fermented Foods That Will Tackle Indigestion

Is Fermentation Just a Buzzword?

Seems like everyone is talking about increasing fermented foods in their diet these days, and for good reason!  Fermentation is a process which helps pre-digest foods in the gut and results in beneficial bacteria. Fermentation usually requires water, vinegar, a bacterial culture starter (often dairy-derived), salt, sugar...and lots of time! 

So is fermentation just a fad? Absolutely not! Fermentation has been an integral part of humanity, long before science could prove all of the amazing benefits. Proof of fermented foods dates back to 10,000 BCE when dairy was fermented to create yoghurt. 

How will fermented foods help with my indigestion? 

-  they increase the beneficial bacteria, vitamins and enzymes present in foods and makes the nutrients they contain more bioavailable.

- they provide a larger variety and diversity of strains of gut-friendly microorganisms to help improve your gut flora over time.

- Indigestion can happen when our stomach acid levels are low. Fermented foods help restore the gut lining and naturally promotes an increase of stomach acid.

- At the same time, certain fermented foods help reduce symptoms of acid reflux and can neutralize stomach acid! Lacto-fermented foods naturally neutralize stomach acid, preventing it from coming back up the esophagus. 

Who should avoid fermented foods? 

Fermented foods are tolerated by most, but people who struggle with histamine intolerance/year-round allergies should not consume them due to the histamines created during fermentation. 

If you have a yeast or candida overgrowth, avoid fermented foods and probiotics that contain yeast. Stick to probiotics that just contain bacteria to help correct the gut.


our TOP 3 FERMENTED FOODS to tackle indigestion:

1. Sauerkraut/Kimchi

  • Sauerkraut is shredded cabbage fermented in its own juice, water and sometimes with other vegetables.
  • Raw sauerkraut is great for re-establishing the balance of friendly flora in the gut.
  • Kimchi includes fermented cabbage with the benefit of added spices. It is commonly consumed in Asian countries and offers a kick of flavor.
  • You can add a bit of sauerkraut or kimchi to meat, poultry or eggs like a condiment, add it to a rice bowl, or eat it on its own!

2. Kefir

  • Kefir is a tart yogurt-like fermented drink that contains friendly bacteria and yeasts that work together to provide natural probiotic-rich properties.
  • Kefir is high in a variety of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, Vitamin K2, thiamin, B12 and biotin.
  • Add a few tablespoons of kefir to smoothies, yogurt or oatmeal!

3. Miso

  • Miso is a traditional Japanese food and a rich salty paste made from grains or soybeans.
  • You can find miso paste in most any food store, but it is important to get a high quality product that has not been pasteurized to ensure the highest amount of health benefits.

Pro Tip: If you are new to fermented foods/probiotics, introduce them gradually. Start with just ¼ to ½ tbsp. on the first day and build up the dose little by little every few days or every week.


Ready to learn how to incorporate fermented foods in your life? Our nutrition coaches customize meal plans for YOU and your goals - let's connect below! 

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